Vis Dev / Concepts

Rough ideas and visual development created for various animation and comic projects.

Far Across the Forest

A fairy tale comic/graphic novel in development, inspired by a mix of (primarily) Scandinavian and Slavic folklore creatures. Below are various explorations for the characters and the world, including props, thematic elements, and environmental aspects,


An environment-based project started as a world-building exercise, somewhat based around the idea of exploring the adventures of “That Guy With the Robe and Stick In Every Concept Art Piece”

Fogwalk (24-Hour Comic)

Inspired by 24-Hour Comics Day and NaNoWriMo, I organized a challenge among friends where we hung out and each attempted to write and draw a 24-page rough comic book in 24 hours.

The goals for our particular event were to:

    • address existing personal projects we’d had on our individual artistic back-burners for some time
    • identify specific aspects of comic design we wished to focus on and aim for developing those skills
    • finish an intentionally rough and messy first draft of a story, under no pressure for it to be good
    • encourage each other overall in our creative growth and offer feedback/help where possible


Here are some of the initial concepts created prior to beginning the challenge, and the resulting comic:

navigate via arrows or click to enlarge


Art from assorted smaller projects and one-offs